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Back in the office

Back in the Office

I’m back in the office after a wonderful extended break down south and I’m looking forward to two-and-a-bit months of working purely as a creative freelancer (something I hardly ever do).

I’ve spent the last couple of days doing a dump of all the ‘stuff’ in my brain into lists and action points so that I can make sure I move forward with all the projects and ideas that I have.

Three weeks of a little bit of work (including performing at a festival), and a lot of R and R with friends and family, has set me up well for the summer and I’m looking forward to getting a lot of work done whilst also enjoying festival season here in Edinburgh.

If I can see myself moving in the right direction and making progress with the quality of the work I produce I’ll take this time as a win.

I must admit that I enjoy working by myself and to my own timetable, so I’m looking forward to being able to tick off all the tasks that are now populating my diary.

One thing that I’m particularly keen to do is work more straight onto computer rather than always drafting with pen and paper. This is going to be something of a challenge, but it’s one that I’m keen to explore.

Overseeing my diary for 100% of the time is something that I’ve missed, because I haven’t been full-time freelance since the middle of 2021, I’m hoping it doesn’t take me too long to get back into the swing of things (crosses everything).

I have a couple of projects that I want to get finished over this period that I know are going to stretch my existing skills, but that’s all to the good.

Watch this space…